Happy New Year to you and yours. We are so blessed to share with you that in 2016, you helped to feed 70,218 meals to children in need, in Philadelphia, the USA and in El Salvador. Since the "PATTIES WITH A PURPOSE" program started in February of 2015, 133,934 meals have been donated to needy children. Because the program has been such an unbelievable success, in March of this year, * By George Pizza, Pasta & Cheesesteaks our sister location, started the "YOU HAVE A STEAK IN IT" program (with every cheesesteak sold, a meal is given to a child in need). This program has helped to feed 49,485 meals to children. It is incredible to think that with the simple act of enjoying a burger at Hunger Burger or a Cheesesteak at By George, 183,419 children have been fed. Thank you so much for your support, we are passionate about helping those in our local and global communities while doing what we love - serving you. 

*By George Pizza Pasta & Cheesesteaks is also located in the Reading Terminal Market, Philadelphia PA
