We are Flipping with Excitement!

We just finished tallying up the 2nd quarter burger sales for our "Patties with a Purpose" feeding program, and we are flipping with excitement. Because of you and your love for burgers, we are able to send funds out to feed 16,792 meals for children this quarter. This brings our total meal donations,  since we opened on February 2015, to 28,956 meals for children. This is so incredibly awesome. 

In two weeks, we will be heading down to El Salvador to work along side of Don & Terri Triplett of King's Castle. We are excited to see the children that are directly impacted by your support. We will be sure to update the blog with the stories and photos from the children who receive support because of you. 

Thank you so much for supporting us at Hunger Burger, we work everyday "For the Love of It". 

The Hunger Burger Team 

